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Sunandbass Festival 06.08.2020
#102 - Etherwood
Etherwood has gone and stitched us a GOOOWWJOOOS liquid patchwork this month. You simply cant beat a bit of cockle warming liquid when the sun is shining, and is he not just one of the best!?In his own words "I just got the decks out and pictured the sun setting at La Cinta. I could practically tast ...

Sunandbass Festival 07.07.2020
#101 - Glxy
We've wanted the Shogun boys GLXY on the podcast for some time now and they've kindly crafted us a 90 minuter, peppered with rollers and forgotten classics. It's SUNANDBASS heartland through and through - so with (I hope) continued sunshine for you all across Europe and beyond, this fits the bill ve ...

Sunandbass Festival 10.06.2020
#100 - Dlr
We've only bloody hit #100! Thanks to everyone that's been with us from the start, and if you haven't, well you have plenty to catch up on - and what better a time for it. To celebrate, we've got a right lippy little gobshite of a mix from ever-brilliant DLR. Skanking it's way across your stereosca ...

Sunandbass Festival 28.05.2020
No Sunandbass In 2020
Thank you to everyone who supported this idea. As we did not reach the minimum number of supporters we cannot proceed and realize our idea of a virtual "SUNANDBASS Beyond Beaches". But as a loving community we shall continue to reach out and stand up for each other. See you, when we can all meet in ...

Sunandbass Festival 14.05.2020
Sunandbass 2020 - Update
As the pandemic continues to change how we live our lives, it"s clear a physical SUNANDBASS in San Teodoro will not take place. So how can we realise SUNANDBASS from 5th to 12th September 2020? Our journey together will bring some new experiences, which we will announce soon, and we might walk the m ...

Sunandbass Festival 11.05.2020
#99 - Acite
"Let me take you on a trip. A journey full of sound and beats. One that will lead you down....' No it's not another quiz, but I bet you can finish that sentence... The remaining lyrics of that couldnt be more fitting for the current situation we all find ourselves in, but not least for the wicked ...

Sunandbass Festival 03.04.2020
#98 -homemade Weapons
Deep, Dark and Dutty. Homemade Weapons, one of the stand out and most talked about sets of last year's festival has spun us this dutty wobbler from his weapon cave. Decent set of headphones or a detached house for this puppy, this is like Coronavirus in sound form. Check out the 7th and latest rele ...

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