Hip Hip Hooray! New Photos From The New Boom Site!

Kategorie: Boom Festival
geschrieben von: Boom Festival geschrieben am: 19.03.2010 um: 23:40 Uhr

Boom 2010 is a new Boom. Keeping the same essence but looking forward into other dreams, envisioning new art forms, and recycling ways of nurturing the Sacred Earth. The beautiful new location was a cosmic offering that materializes our wishes and intentions: helping create a conscious world.

It has been a grey and crazy winter in the Northern Hemisphere. Even here in Portugal we had our dose of rain, floods, hurricanes and what was normally a mild winter turned into a robust season where water was the main element.

Our alignment with natural cycles took us some days ago into the new Boom site. Rain gave space to sunlight and skies became blue once again. We all went to play, walk, and feel that beautiful place on the shores of the lake. It is inspiring how this new location is feeding a new vision into all Boom dreams.

All aspects we saw as negative last year, such as traffic jams for entrances, water control, hygiene, and comfort are now being handled with care and love. Boomers are our priority.

Zur Infoseite von: Boom Festival
Quelle: http://www.boomfestival.org/boom2010 mehr: Boom Festival