Important Ticket Information!

Kategorie: Prog Power
geschrieben von: Prog Power geschrieben am: 24.05.2013 um: 09:37 Uhr

Ticket sales is going well and we will see several new visitors this year.

We do get many requests for day tickets, but they will not go on sale until Sunday September 1. So you will have some time to order a weekend ticket, but if you have not done this yet please do. The earlier we know how many people will come the whole weekend, the better it is because we can do some more inprovements. So do not hesitate and order your tickets through:

As for rooms at Castle de Berckt, within the next 3 weeks we will check all payments for De Berckt and before the 9th of June we will send everyone who ordered and paid for De Berckt the room details. On Sunday June 9, you will also be able to order a room at De Berckt for just 2 nights. So if you plan to visit ProgPower and want to stay 3 or 4 nights, be sure to order your room in time! This can be done through:



Zur Infoseite von: Prog Power
Quelle: mehr: ProgPower Europe News