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Prog Power 22.06.2024
New Artwork
Check out our design for this year and feel free to use it for promotion. All files can be used. FBpage-1640-x-720-V3Download FB-Group-1640-x-924Download FB-event-1920-x-1080Download Het bericht New artwork verscheen eerst op ProgPower Europe.

Prog Power 22.06.2024
14th Band: Crimson Glory
Starting out in 1983, Crimson Glory has a rich history in music and are considered one of the pioneers of American Progressive Metal. The band went quiet for quite some time but announced their return about 6 months ago, introducing 2 new band members. A new track has been released (Triskaideka) an ...

Prog Power 01.06.2024
13th Band: Caligula's Horse
Caligula's Horse does not need much introduction. Their sixth album, Charcoal Grace, confirmed what their fans already knew, but also must have increased their fan base, it is a fantastic album. If you have released what some already call the album of the year, you deserve to be on the ProgPower Eu ...

Prog Power 31.05.2024
12th Band: Sadist
Sadist have been around for over 30 years, so it is not surprising that they can put on a great live show. Those that were present at ProgPower Europe 2016 will certainly remember the impressive show that Sadist performed. Since their last performance at ProgPower the band has released 2 albums and ...

Prog Power 30.05.2024
11th Band: Ou
OU.theband, originating from Beijing is the first Chinese band signed by German label InsideOut. Their album II: Frailty was released on that label, and it is certainly something different. OU brings a unique sound to the ProgMetal genre, even more so as their songs features lyrics sung in Mandarin ...

Prog Power 29.05.2024
10th Band: Pure Reason Revolution
Pure Reason Revolution has been on our short list for quite some time. And that is an understatement! As we added them to that list after they released their album, The Dark Third in 2006. The albums that the band has released since then, made us even more eager to book them. So imagine how proud w ...

Prog Power 08.05.2024
9th Band: Maestrick
Maestrick is a band from Brazil. They create Progressive Metal with a touch of Brazilian tradition. So far the band has released 2 albums but it is the third, yet to be released that convinced us that Maestrick deserves a spot at ProgPower Europe 2024. We are looking forward to their performance in ...

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