Good Bye Post

Kategorie: O.z.o.r.a. Festival
geschrieben von: O.z.o.r.a. Festival geschrieben am: 20.10.2011 um: 11:57 Uhr

After 8 prosperous and joyful events (exactly 7  years!), some of us are leaving the O.Z.O.R.A. organisation:

Bubble Balazs, Oleg, Edit, Amin, Alpha, Peter Didjital, the Extradimensional Space Agency, Viki, Csaba, Cuki and their nice friends at the Magic Garden... and many more.

Thank you for all !!!

Love & Light

Zur Infoseite von: O.z.o.r.a. Festival
Quelle: mehr: O.Z.O.R.A. Festival News