Visions Of Atlantis

Kategorie: Metalcamp
geschrieben von: Metalcamp geschrieben am: 17.01.2011 um: 00:00 Uhr

Fascinated by the adventurous myth of Atlantis, the Austrian group creates emotional, but bombastic hymns breaking through the chains of categories such as power or syphonic metal. With their opus „Trinity" released in 2007 the fantasy-metallers reached to become a focussed point of interest and start a successful band-career. Now VISIONS OF ATLANTIS are prepared to give the world of metal a new masterpiece: „Delta" will be the title and appeares in stores at the end of February, giving all listeners an insight into a breath-taking world of melody and epic. At your headbanger‘s holidays the magic fanfares of the combo will blow along the wonderful festival area. This show will not only blast away fans of Nightwish and Lacuna Coil.

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