Order Your Tickets Now, Almost Sold-out!

Kategorie: Prog Power
geschrieben von: Prog Power geschrieben am: 01.10.2015 um: 05:36 Uhr

Only a few tickets available

We just would like you to know that there are only a limited number of tickets available. So don't be too late and order your tickets right away.

We have the following number of tickets available:

  • Friday: 80
  • Saturday: only 30
  • Sunday: 50

Don't hesitate any longer and order your tickets right now: http://www.progpowereurope.com/tickets.

The post Order your tickets now, almost sold-out! appeared first on ProgPower Europe.

Zur Infoseite von: Prog Power
Quelle: http://www.progpowereurope.com mehr: ProgPower Europe News