Fates Warning To Headline On Saturday Evening

Kategorie: Prog Power
geschrieben von: Prog Power geschrieben am: 06.07.2013 um: 06:04 Uhr

We are extremely pleased to confirm FATES WARNING for this year's edition of ProgPower Europe.

With a new album to come in September it's the perfect timing to have them finally on stage. The band is on our list since the beginning, they actually were the headliner we wanted for the first edition back in 1999. And finally they gonna be on stage, we really look forward to this.

Their performance will be part of the upcoming European tour, and it will be the first gig of the tour. Don't miss it.

Zur Infoseite von: Prog Power
Quelle: http://www.progpowereurope.com mehr: ProgPower Europe News