Order A Room At Castle De Berckt

Kategorie: Prog Power
geschrieben von: Prog Power geschrieben am: 11.02.2013 um: 05:53 Uhr

To enjoy ProgPower Europe the best way possible, we advise you to stay at "Castle de Berckt' during ProgPower.

Many visitors and several bands stay there as well, having breakfast together and some after parties at the Castle make your ProgPower weekend something special.

So far people from many different countries will stay at the Castle this year: France, Germany, Norway, Romania, Spain, Sweden, The Netherlands and the UK.

If you never stayed at the Castle before, check the stories from our visitors or check the detailed info about the Castle. It will give you a good idea what to expect.

Order your room right away.

Zur Infoseite von: Prog Power
Quelle: http://www.progpowereurope.com mehr: ProgPower Europe News