Sunday Morning Coming Up - Rubberbandits To Lead Special Sunday Service At Oxegen

Kategorie: Oxegen
geschrieben von: Oxegen geschrieben am: 29.06.2011 um: 10:07 Uhr

The Rubberbandits are putting together a very special Sunday Service for Oxegen, and have already enlisted the help of a choir, folk mass balladeers, 2 horses, a Honda Civic and a small donkey. Featuring classic Sunday morning moves like the blessing of the yokes, the breaking of the madiera bread, and lots of drinking of the wine it's the perfect Sunday morning cure for the head and the Bandits communal absolution will cleanse the soul. A convoy of dodgy cars with horseboxes left Limerick this morning and will slowly make it's way across the country picking up broken jaws and piebalds as it shnakes it's way to the main stage in Punchestown.

The Rubberbandits

Over 7 million YouTube views since December, 100,00 itunes downloads and a chorus thats ringing out in street corners from Sunset Strip to Notre Dame - "F*ck your Honda Civic, I've a Horse Outside"Accompanied by a video that has been at various stages the most viewed video in South Africa, the most tweeted video link in the world and the topic of op ed pieces everywhere from the New Dehli Times to CNBC to the Spectator. Horse Outside was the song that made Christmas 2010 in Ireland better than bearable , it's one of those songs that taps into everyones inner need to sing more songs about Horses, and of course the triumph of the little guy in the nasty world of love.

Having clocked up over 100 Live dates this year from London to Mullingar to New York and every point in between already this year, the Rubberbandits showed with follow up video and single "I wanna fight your father" that they were no one trick pony and with their debut album dropping in October there's lots more to come from Limerick City's favourite sons.

Long before the Horse got them global attention (MTV in the USA just finished shooting a pilot with them), songs like Bag of Glue, prank phone calls like The Pear and of course the TV sketches like Maderia Cake and the The Guide to Limerick had earned Blindboy Boat Club and Mr. Chrome massive underground fame

Their live show is a rip roaring music and comedy adventure and this summer they will bring it to the Reading, Leeds and Latitude festivals in the Uk in between visits to the USA, France and Germany showing that the Bandits along with trusty sidekick Dj Willie O'Dea Jay are going global !

See the Rubberbandits at Oxegen on the main stage Sunday Morning and in the Olympia Theatre on October 8th

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