Festival Essentials

Kategorie: Doune The Rabbit Hole Festival
geschrieben von: Doune The Rabbit Hole Festival geschrieben am: 18.08.2014 um: 16:21 Uhr


Everyone has their own festival essentials - little things that you need to make camping more comfortable and important things to remember to prepare you for exposure to the elements - here's a few that Lucy the Doune Media Guru likes to pack in her rucksack:

  • Bring a torch, I've got a wind-up one and a battery one (don't forget spare batteries)
  • Baby wipes and loo roll - handy and not just for cleaning up!
  • Bin liners - multiple uses, not least cleaning up after yourself and disposing of any rubbish.
  • Bunting. Or anything easy to carry to decorate and help you quickly find your tent.
  • Earplugs - never leave home without them.
  • Loads of dry socks - dry feet = happy festival.
  • Gaffer tape - if you can't fix it with gaffer, you're not using enough.
  • Tea bags and small camping stove (no campfires please) - I'm useless if under caffeinated. (but this year there will be hot drinks from The Crepe Shack, Woodsmoke Pizza, Tchai Ovna and our other stalls)
  • We really hope the weather stays dry but be prepared, layers of clothing work well and adequate footwear is a must.
  • Food and Drink.  We're happy for you to bring your own food and drink into the festival, but the nearest general shops are in Kippen. No glass bottles please.
  • We will have water on site but it's always handy to have your own supply - don't dehydrate.
  • Hat. It's not really a festival unless you've got a hat on - something for all weathers is best. Mine's a red straw number.
  • Dogs. We're happy for you to bring dogs to the festival - keep them under control and on a lead in the arena please.
  • Kids. Yep you can bring them too and let them join in the activities in the Kid's Area, dance to the bands and feel safe in our family friendly environment.
  • Keep Warm - it can get chilly at night, time to get that exotic jumper out of the moth balls.
  • Inspect repellent. Scotland. Midges. "Nuff Said.
  • Contacts? Get your glasses on and save yourself some bother.
  • Smokers - bring your poison as we don't have cigarettes on sale on site.
  • Plans. Phone batteries will inevitably run out, so try and make plans in advance, old school. Print out any e-tickets (like the ones for our bus) and bring them in a waterproof container. Turn it off and save it for emergencies!

Check our FAQ section for more general Doune The Rabbit Hole Info.

What are your festival essentials? Share your top tips with us on Twitter @dounetherabbit 


Zur Infoseite von: Doune The Rabbit Hole Festival
Quelle: http://dounetherabbithole.co.uk mehr: Doune The Rabbit Hole Festival News