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Wacken Open Air 11.07.2008
Mein Eigenes Wc
Liebe Metalheads, die Aktion "mein eigenes Klo" war in diesem Jahr ein voller Erfolg und alle Sani-Toiletten sind restlos ausgebucht. Wegen der enormen Flut an Anfragen wird die Aktion hiermit jetzt beendet. Eine Warteliste bei eventuellen Stornierungen wird es nicht geben, da die Reservierun ...

Wacken Open Air 11.07.2008
A New Podcast Is Born.
Unser Metal Harry zu Besuch in Wacken, bei der Entstehung des neuen W:O:A - Busbahnhofs. Hier geht es zum Podcast.

Dour Festival 10.07.2008
Omar Perry & Homegrown Band Will Replace Jah Cure!
Jah Cure will not play at Dour Festival this summer. New name : Omar Perry & Homegrown Band !

Dour Festival 10.07.2008
Omar Perry & Homegrown Band @ Dour Festival 2008!
Confirmed ! The 20th Dour Festival will be held between July 17th and 20th 2008!

Dour Festival 09.07.2008
Dour Festival 2008, July 17th - 20th. It's Now Or Never!
There are only a few tickets left for this year's festival, which opens next Thursday. If you want to come to the festival, you have to buy your ticket now! There is less than 4.000 4-day passes out of a possible 32.000. There are some 1-day tickets left too. The festival will welcome 144.0 ...

Dour Festival 09.07.2008
A Festival Site That's 15 To 20% Larger: Pictures Of The Setting Up
See the pictures here! The festival site has started building up a week up. With all the changes and additions we've made this year we're estimating that the festival is now 20% larger whilst the camping site is now about 15% bigger.

Dour Festival 09.07.2008
Burning Heads Fill In For Voodoo Glow Skulls
Burning Heads, the mythical punk rock band from Orléans will play at Dour instead of Voodoo Glow Skulls who cancelled their show on Thursday in the Petite Maison dans la Prairie stage.

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