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Area69 - The European Hedonism Festival 23.06.2010
Area69 Postponed To 2011
We did not take this decision easy. But now, when all our internal deadlines passed by, its definitve: AREA69 can’t take place this year anymore. Firstly the location for which we already had signed a contract bounced. This happened mostly because of permission issues. Then we searched for alt ...

Clanx Festival 23.06.2010
Die Kleinen Bleiben Gelassen
Artikel von Roger Berhalter über die kleinen Festivals in der Ostschweiz. Aus dem Tagblatt von heute, hier online nachzulesen.  

Metalcamp 23.06.2010
Paintball @ Metalcamp
Dear teams, players, guests, friends and METALCAMP enthusiasts. The VINETOU team is proud to present the NEW event and the FIRST TIME offer on metal camp in Tolmin. PAINTBALL - HELLBALL  spectacle fun fight. Ask for information and make your reservation before. For more information about the Metal ...

Amsterdam Dance Event 23.06.2010
New Topics & Speakers Announced
In addition to the earlier announced topics & speakers, hereby a new selection:Focus on BrasilWith its hip hop flavoured ghetto music (baile funk) and graffiti scenes going global in recent years and its overall economy currently thriving, Brazil’s cultural influence internationally has ne ...

Rock Werchter 22.06.2010
You Hear It Right At Rock Werchter
Rock Werchter is among the co-signatories of the charter for the reduction of hearing damage during music events. This is an initiative by the entire Belgian music industry. We support realistic legislation regarding the maximum permitted sound level. Because we want your ears to continue working p ...

Rock Werchter 22.06.2010
Attention To All Specials Fans
We are offering you the chance to meet The Specials at Rock Werchter festival this summer! Everyone with tickets to the festival can enter the competition to have a chance of meeting the band backstage here.

Humulus Lupulus Open Air 22.06.2010
Ausstellung + Raku Brand
Stefan Motzge Atelier, Kapellenweg 12 in Hohenwart am 26 und 27 Juni ab 11 Uhr, abends Lagerfeuer mit Ledrics Atelier, Christina Eckert, Richard Kienberger, Manfred Fahn

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