Secret Glastonbury: A Very Decent Proposal...

Kategorie: Glastonbury Festival
geschrieben von: Glastonbury Festival geschrieben am: 05.07.2010 um: 12:36 Uhr

Dear Glastonbury

Thought you guys might like to post this online.. a very touching marriage proposal I caught on Friday. The very creative chap is sat on the bank in front of the lettering nervously waiting for "Boo"  – obviously she said yes. 🙂

With love…



5/7/10 UPDATE: Boo has been in touch…

Dear Glastonbury,

I was over the moon to see the news article about a very decent proposal…I am in fact ‘Boo’ (Sarah ) and the creative young man is my now fiancée Luke.  I was extremely touched with the comments that Felix put and thought I would email in.

The proposal took place on Friday 25th which was 5 years after we met each other.  Luke had been planning this for about a year with the help of a number of friends and family.  I actually had no idea whatsoever, which made it all the more special.  After a deceptive shopping trip around the festival site I was taken up to the stone circle, when I noticed the big white letters…’Boo will you be my one life stand?’  Luke did get down on one knee much to the cheers of the people around.  Of course I said yes!

I just wanted to say thank you to all the people who helped make it special, including a number of bystanders who helped with the cheers!  I would especially like to thank my fiancé Luke….how amazing to tell people you got engaged at the stone circle at Glastonbury on its 40th anniversary.

Boo (Sarah)


If you also have an image which captures the secret Glastonbury – the hidden aspects of the Festival which other people might not have seen – then please upload it to our Glastonbury Gallery, making sure to tag it with "2010" and "Secret Glastonbury". Thanks! (You can, of course, upload all your other pictures to there too – with whichever tags are relevant.)

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