The Cx Launchpad: Digital Public Space

Kategorie: FutureEverything
geschrieben von: FutureEverything geschrieben am: 10.04.2012 um: 11:58 Uhr

FutureEverything Partner Event

The CX Launchpad: Digital Public Space
Wednesday 16th May 2012
Museum of Science and Industry, Manchester
In conjunction with FutureEverything
Register via this link:

Britain has the largest cultural sector in the world. Digital technology is radically changing the way we experience culture.

We can now download, upload, anything anywhere. We can create digital experiences as easily as we can consume them. Everyone has the power to find, receive and transmit in an ever-expanding ocean of content and information. This is the digital public space.

The Creative Exchange will explore this space in partnership with a host of companies and individuals through six core themes. Each theme is both a statement of our interest, and an open call for participation.

The CX Launchpad is an afternoon conference discussing the opportunities presented by the concept of digital public space, where anyone, anywhere, anytime on any device will be able to access, explore and create with digitised cultural content.

Content created by museums, galleries, libraries, broadcasters, other public sector bodies and citizens, is newly made available through the web. The conference asks:

  • What are the challenges and opportunities for new content creation using public sector data?
  • What might be the specific opportunities for academics, commercial partners and the general public to work together?
  • How far do our current systems of support including know-how about terms of sharing and copying and devices and platforms for integrating media content need to be reformed or reflected on in the light of an everywhere-connected world?
  • How might designers and arts/creatives capitalise on and contribute profitably to these shifts?
  • Who is doing what that might help define this space?


Bill Thompson

A leading UK journalist, broadcaster and critical commentator on technological trends and social innovation. He works for the BBC on the digital public space initiative and has been a lead developer of initiatives such as "The Space' the current BBC/ACE collaboration which will bring exciting artist-led content to street and screens during the Olympic summer.

Dr Jo Twist

is CEO of UKIE, the association for UK Interactive Entertainment the sole trade body for the UK's videogames and wider interactive entertainment industry. She was appointed in early 2012 having been an editor at Channel 4 and brings a wealth of experience in youth, educational and cross-platform content development as well as a passion for games.

Neville Brody

Designer and art director (researchstudios, Fuse) and recognised as one of the world's most influential graphic designers.He is also Professor and Dean of the School of Communications at the Royal College of Art.  During 2012-13 he will introduce new MA courses at the RCA in experience design and games design as well as being a co-investigator in the CX Hub.




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