Ticket Presale

Kategorie: Freakstock
geschrieben von: Freakstock geschrieben am: 08.03.2016 um: 22:46 Uhr

Hey Freakstocker,

our ticket presale begins in a few days. Some things will change this year.

For over 10 years we were able to keep the ticket price constant, but due to risen costs, that won't be possible in 2016 and we have to raise the price by 10Eur. Current prices can be seen here.

But we have good news as well:

We changed out ticket system. You can order online and print your ticket at home. It will be scanned at your car and you can drive through to the camping space. You safe time but also money.
There are no more shipping cost and the booking fee drops from 5Eur to 3.50Eur. This balances a part of the raise.

The family tickets One&All and Two&All can be bought in advance for the first time. So no more standing in line with your kids in the sun. Yippee!

Zur Infoseite von: Freakstock
Quelle: http://freakstock.de mehr: Freakstock