The Great Escape - Das Archiv
15.05. - 18.05.2024
mit: Automotion, Aysanabee, Babymorocco, Battlesnake, Big Special, Bishopskin, Bodur, Cardinals, Carsick, Corella, Cosmorat, Darren Kiely, Dartz, Eaves Wilder, Ebbb, Emmeline, En Attendant Ana, Enola, Erin LeCount, Eve Owen, Fiona-Lee, Food House, Friedberg, Gia Ford, Hana Lili, Jacob Alon, King Isis ...
10.05. - 13.05.2023
mit: 49th & Main, 7ebra, 86 Tvs, Abigail Asante, Acid Klaus, Admt, Ae, Aggrasoppar, Aiko, Aime Simone, Áine Deane, Alana Maria, Albertine Sarges, Alexander Stewart, Alice Longyu Gao, Alice Low, Alien Chicks, Alienblaze, Amaliah, Amie Blu, Amrit Kaur, Amy Montgomery, Amy Root, Animal Shithouse ...
11.05. - 14.05.2022
mit: A.A. Williams, A.O. Gerber, Abby Roberts, Aby Coulibaly, Adée, Ailbhe Reddy, Ajimal, Alcemist, Alewya, Alex Amor, Alex The Astronaut, Alfie Templeman, Alice Ivy, Alice Pisano, Alicia Edelweiss, Alienblaze, Alissic, Allysha Joy, Amaria Bb, Andrew Cushin, Angelo Flow, Aodhan, April, Arii Lopez ...
12.05. - 15.05.2021
mit: Aby Coulibaly, Ajimal, Albertine Sarges & The Sticky Fingers, Alex Gough, Alexander 23, Alfie Templeman, Allday, Bad Boy Chiller Crew, Bartleby Delicate, Belako, Bess Atwell, Bevan, Bilk, Billie Marten, Bleach Lab, Cat & Calmell, Chaild, Chanka, Cherym, Chloe Foy, Christian Lee Hutson ...
14.05. - 16.05.2020
wurde abgesagt!
09.05. - 11.05.2019
mit: 404, 5K HD, A.Swayze & The Ghosts, Aaliyah Esprit, Aaron Smith, Abakos, Agbeko, Aitch, Aj Tracey, Ak Patterson, Alev Lenz, Alex Lahey, Alexandra Stréliski, Alffa, Alfie Neale, Alfie Templeman, Alligator, Allusinlove, Allysha Joy, Altopalo, Amahla, Amanda Tenfjord, Amy May Ellis, Andrra, Anna Calvi ...
17.05. - 19.05.2018
mit: 23 Unofficial, 3rd Line Butterfly, 47Soul, 77 : 78, 808ink, A Festival A Parade, Aadae, ABQ, Adoy, Ady Suleiman, Aeris Roves, Áine Cahill, Aivery, AK Patterson, AK/DK, Alaskalaska, Albert Af Ekenstam, Alex Hepburn, Alex the Astronaut, Alexander Biggs, Alicaě Harley, Alice Boman ...
18.05. - 20.05.2017
mit: Abattoir Blues, Alma, Anna Straker, Be Charlotte, Brian Deady, Cabbage, Carys Selvey, Casi, Cherry Glazerr, Croox, Drones Club, Eat Fast, Fil Bo Riva, Goat Girl, Gold Class, Gothic Tropic, Gurr, Hannah Georgas, Husky Loops, Ider, Indigo Husk, Jacques, James Hersey, Jameszoo, Klangstof, L.A. Salami ...
19.05. - 21.05.2016
mit: 808Ink, Actor, Aďsha Devi, AJ Tracey, Albin Lee Meldau, Aldous Harding, Alec Benjamin, Alice Jemima, Alice Phoebe Lou, Alina Orlova, Amber Arcades, Amy Yon, Anna Meredith, Anna of the North, Anne-Marie, Anteros, Anthonie Tonnon, Ardyn, Ariana and the Rose, ARY, As Lions, Astroid Boys, Atlas Wynd ...
14.05. - 16.05.2015
mit: 1987, 36?, A.O.S.O.O.N., Acid Arab, Acollective, Adam French, Admiral Fallow, Ady Suleiman, Afrikan Boy, AK/DK, Akcadamy, Al Bairre, Aldous Harding, Alex Vargas, All Tvvins, Allusondrugs, Alo Wala, Andrea Balency, Andreas Moe, Andy Shauf, Annabel Allum, April Towers, Aquilo, Arborist, Arkells ...
08.05. - 10.05.2014
mit: Example, Wild Beasts, Kelis, A Plastic Rose, Afterpartees, Aisha Orazbayeva, Albert Albert, Albert Hammond Jr., Alec Benjamin, Alice Boman, Alix Perez, All We Are, Alvvays, Amatorski, Ambassadeurs, Amber Run, Andy Shauf, Angel At My Table, Anna Meredith, Anna Phoebe, Annie Eve, Antimatter People ...
16.05. - 18.05.2013
mit: A Tribe Called Red, AA Wallace, Adam Bushell Group, Ain't No Love, Alarm Bells, Aliment, Allah-las, Andreya Triana, Anushka, Arcane Roots, Archipel, Arlissa, Arrows Of Love, Aufgang, Babe, Balthazar, Beach Fossils, Bear's Den, Beataucue, Beatrice Dillon & Rupert Clervaux, Big Deal, Big Wave Riders ...
10.05. - 12.05.2012
mit: Africa Express Sound System, Maxďmo Park, The Temper Trap, 22, A Winged Victory For The Sullen, Abi Wade, Admiral Fallow, Aking, Alabama Shakes, Alby Daniels, Alexandre Desilets, Alunageorge, Amatorski, Amics Del Bosc, Among Brothers, Anothers Blood, Antlered Man, Avalanche City ...
12.05. - 14.05.2011
mit: Dj Shadow, Friendly Fires, Sufjan Stevens, 22, Actress, Admiral Fallow, Aias, Alela Diane, Alex Clare, Alexander Tucker, Alice Gold, All Mankind, Alpines, And So I Watch You From Afar, Anna Calvi, Anoraak, Anr, Apples & Eve, Art Brut, Attack! Attack!, Babe, Terror, Bag Raiders, Baskerville ...
13.05. - 15.05.2010
mit: Active Child, Alessi's Ark, Anna Calvi, And So I Watch You From Afar, Best Coast, Bridzilla, Born Ruffians, Blackchords, Broken Social Scene, Band Of Skulls, Blood Red Shoes, Bo Ningen, Basia Bulat, Chateau Marmont, Crystal Fighters, Chew Lips, Chase & Status, Chief, Cold Cave, Chapel Club ...
14.05. - 16.05.2009
mit: Last Mango In Paris, The Shiny Brights, The Answering Machine, William Fitzsimmons, Asaf Avidan & The Mojos, The Moi Non Plus, Swarathma, Tommy Tokyo & Starving for My Gravy, Rosie & The Goldbug, The Electric City, Video Nasties, Mika Miko, Dananananaykroyd, Black Lips, Just Jack, Fan Death ...
15.05. - 17.05.2008
mit: 4 or 5 Magicians, A Place To Bury Strangers, A Silent Film, A.Human, AA Bondy, Accidents Never Happen, Adam Freeland, Aids Wolf, Alamo Race Track, Alan Pownall, Alessi, Alex Metric