Northside Wins A Greener Festival Award

Kategorie: Northside Festival
geschrieben von: Northside Festival geschrieben am: 22.10.2014 um: 09:40 Uhr
The international environmental award is awarded to environmentally conscious festivals and for the first time ever it has this year been awarded to a Danish festival

NorthSide is one of twelve festivals, which this week has won the A Greener Festival Award with the remark Highly Commended. The award is given to the "well managed environmentally aware festival, which have taken significant steps to reduce waste, reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and engage with the audience". Other winners include American festival Bonnaroo and Malmöfestival.

This is the first time ever that a Danish festival has received the prestigious award, and in a press release issued by the organization A Greener Festival NorthSide is praised for having promoted community transport as well as having provided favourable conditions for cyclists and pedestrians by setting up a Camino and the BikeSide-area.

Sustainability Manager at NorthSide, Anne Jensen, on winning the award:

- I am happy and very proud that we have won this award! We have since the beginning had the ambition to think sustainability and environmental considerations into our festival production, and particularly in the last three years we have come a long way. For example, this year we succeeded in offering a selection of food and beverages, which combined was 70% organic, while we sorted 50% of all waste. But our ambitions do not end here, and we will continue to work to make NorthSide even greener next year.

Also NorthSide's sustainability partner, Perfect World, is happy about the award:

- As a sustainability partner, we are very proud that NorthSide has received this award. We have in collaboration with the audience changed a mindset and because of that we can pat each other and ourselves a little on the shoulder. It's basically about sustainable innovation in interaction with suppliers, the festival, and the audience, and I think we have only seen the beginning, says partner at WorldPerfect, Søren Stochholm.

Nonprofit organization A Greener Festival has since 2006 worked to highlight festivals, which work with sustainability and a responsible environmental policy, and through their work they have helped to minimize food waste and promote separation of waste at camping areas at numerous festivals around the world. The organization is also responsible for various conferences and publication of educational material, and since 2007 it has given out awards to the festivals that work the hardest with their environmental policy.

Representatives from A Greener Festival visited NorthSide this summer to conduct a thorough evaluation of our sustainability work, and their evaluation has now led to NorthSide being the first Danish festival to ever win an A Greener Festival Award.

Visit A Greener Festival for more information about the organization's work on green initiatives at festivals around the world.

Posten NorthSide wins A Greener Festival Award kommer oprindeligt fra NorthSide 2015.

Zur Infoseite von: Northside Festival
Quelle: mehr: NorthSide Festival News