Exclusive Interview With Moonlight Matters About I Love Techno And His Music!

Kategorie: I Love Techno
geschrieben von: I Love Techno geschrieben am: 01.10.2012 um: 11:32 Uhr

ILOVETECHNO: The event is something special (10.11.12) what is your favorite number (or number sequence) and why? Is it superstition?
Moonlight Matters:  "My fav number sequence is obviously 101.202.303.606.707.808.909, and if i can throw in some letters too, i'd want to add ROLAND somewhere....well for those who believe in superstition, how about this, if you add 10 to 11 to 12 you get 33, and as we all know, 33 is the age Jezus died..now if you add these Roland numbers to it you get 3636 + 33 is 3669 which is a miltiple of 3 again. So all can be reduced to 3... Since there are 3 great divisions completing time: past, present, and future, i guess this means ILT has allways been there, is there again this year, and will hopefully allways be there in the future....Euhm, am i going to far?"

ILOVETECHNO: What do you do before you go on stage ?
Moonlight Matters:  "Take a deep breath, relax, check the suspendors and take a good sip of my drink....Ready to go go go!!! Focus!!!"

ILOVETECHNO: What are you doing at I Love Techno this year?
Moonlight Matters: "I'll be opening the Blue room for my fellow the Magican, A-trak, Dada Life, Subfocus, Major Lazor And Nero... It's my job to set the tone for the night and start the story right, get people to feel at home right away...Welcome to ILT 2012!!!"

ILOVETECHNO: Who else are you looking forward to seeing at I Love Techno?
Moonlight Matters: "There are so many names to choose, the whole lineup is just legend...If you'd torture me for names i'd probably say A-trak, Erol Alkan, Major Lazer, The Magician, Subfocus, Dave Clark..."

ILOVETECHNO: What is your favourite techno track of all time?
Moonlight Matters: "If we're talking oldschool techno i have some fav's. From Public Energy - Three O' Three, to Freddy Frech & Tim Taylor Scissorhands to even Paul Johnson's Feel My MF Bass... So many great classics..."

ILOVETECHNO: What do you love about the I Love Techno festival? How does it compare to other festivals?
Moonlight Matters: "It's the Belgian landmark for the dance industry standard... Should be on anyone's to do list..."

ILOVETECHNO: Best I Love Techno memory?
Moonlight Matters: "I remember being really too young to be there and it still being in the lovely Vooruit in Ghent with names like Carl Cox, Carl Craig, Chemical Brothers, Darren Emerson and many more...Pretty early days back then...."

ILOVETECHNO: What are your big tracks at the moment?
Moonlight Matters: "Surrender - Fast Days, Jacques Lu Cont - Church, Hervé feat. Ronika (Moonbootica Remix), Supermen Lovers - Let Me Show You, Breakbot - Programme".

ILOVETECHNO: Do you have any favourite new artists to look out for?
Moonlight Matters: "I'd definitely keep an eye on new stuff from Oliver and Surrender!..."

ILOVETECHNO: What else have you got going on?
Moonlight Matters:
"- New EP on Kitsuné Towards end of the year...
- Remixes comming up for A-Trak, Kimbra & Mark Foster/Allez allez/Punks Jump Up/DATA and more...
- Launch of the Moonlight Matters "edit label"l called "PLAYERS" towards October...
- USA tour comming up toward end of year...

ILOVETECHNO: What are the first thoughts that come to your mind when you hear the word "Belgium"?
Moonlight Matters: "Hunny i'm hooooooome!!"

ILOVETECHNO: What is techno, to you?
Moonlight Matters: "Well for me personally it means hard raw simple hypnotising beats from '96 till 2000, technics and vynil, Rodec MX180 mixers, digging for records...But i guess nowadays on a less personal note you can say that techno represents a much broader segment then the aforementioned and can be used as a general name for music that invloves "modern" technology in a way..."

In addition to the interview, Moonlight Matters wants to share his music and a video with you. Go check it out!

Zur Infoseite von: I Love Techno
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