Let's Talk #dnk16 ? First Names

Kategorie: Dunk! Festival
geschrieben von: Dunk! Festival geschrieben am: 27.10.2015 um: 14:40 Uhr

Picture by Aivars Ivbulis

We went through the summer with a warm feeling that was left by #dnk15 and all the bands and visitors there. The reviews and reactions of everyone were again extremely positive from the first to the last one with nice words about all the acts, our dedicated crew and the overall organization. Be sure we will come up with a full review ourselves, with pictures and everything in the next Stargazer Magazine, to be released at #dnk16.

First names

But it's not because we were silent for the last few months that we didn't do anything. In fact, the line-up is shaping up real fast and we're already working on practical organization for the upcoming edition. Stage and light design are being made, plans for the festival setup are designed and most important: bands are being confirmed as we speak. So we're very happy to be able to announce the first 5 names for #dnk16.

Give it up for:

More names will be announced soon and tickets will be available real soon!

There's a beautiful documentary from Nordic Giants on youtube now. It's about recording their new album and it's only available to watch until their tour starts in less than 3 weeks.

Zur Infoseite von: Dunk! Festival
Quelle: http://www.dunkfestival.be mehr: Dunk! Festival News