21. O.Z.O.R.A. Festival 2021

From: 02.08.2021 To: 08.08.2021
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Das 21. O.Z.O.R.A. Festival findet bei Ozora nahe dem Ort Dudpuszta statt und bietet zahlreiche Liveacts und Djs und ein buntes Rahmenprogramm mit Workshops (Didgeridoo, Psychedelic Visuals, Ancient Poetry ...), dem Healing Temple (Yoga, Massage, Meditation) und vielem mehr.

The O.Z.O.R.A. Festival has become one of the biggest gatherings today.

In 1999 you could see the total eclipse of the sun from Hungary. Ozora was the perfect place for the one daylong open-air celebration and more than 20.000 people took part in the event. Five years later in 2004 the happening came to life again under the name of Sonar Plexus. From 2005 it started growing as O.Z.O.R.A. Festival and by 2010 it had become one of the world's most influential psychedelic tribal gatherings.

Besides enjoying the dance and the music, the festivalgoers can choose from many other active and passive activities. A lot of people participate in the Magic Garden programs (healing, recreation, juggling, performances, lectures, arts and crafts, workshops). As big festivals in general, O.Z.O.R.A. is also like an international gastronomy festival too: we can experience Thai, Indian, Greek, Turkish, Italian, Indonesian, Japanese, Chinese, Mexican, African and naturally, Hungarian cuisine.

But whether it is in euphoric dance or meditative trance, hanging out, watching clouds, cooking together, napping: the most important things for Ozorians are openness and acceptance - sharing a pleasant togetherness.

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Genre: Psytrance, Goa, Ambient, Psychill ...
Category: Goa Festivals - Elektronische Festivals
Admission: 194 €
Visitors: 60000
Postcode: 7086
City: Ozora
Street: Dád Puszta
Country: Ungarn
Website: O.Z.O.R.A. Festival

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