(re)discover Heath Up Close

Kategorie: Roadburn Festival
geschrieben von: Roadburn Festival geschrieben am: 28.11.2024 um: 11:04 Uhr

When we heard Heath's debut album, Isaak's Marble, we knew that this newcomer five-piece from The Hague needed to be on our stage of Roadburn 2024. And boy, we're we right! At Roadburn 2024 Heath brought their combination of psych, prog, and steamy blues rock with a hefty dose of youthful energy to the stage.

The band just released a beautiful mini documentary "Up Close", where they dive into the thoughts and experiences of the various band members. You can watch the documentary below or at roadburn.com

Zur Infoseite von: Roadburn Festival
Quelle: http://www.roadburn.com mehr: Roadburn Festival News