Hannover Thrashers "surgical Strike" @ Mfoa Livestream Edition Vol. 2

Kategorie: Metal Frenzy
geschrieben von: Metal Frenzy geschrieben am: 18.05.2021 um: 17:00 Uhr

"?Lock & Load, precise and against the world we live in, ready to take no prisoners and overwhelm the masses with 100% pure fucking thrashmetal. Get your asses safe and be afraid of this firepower....right into your faces!"

Klingt nach richtig halligalli, oder? Surgical Strike aus Hannover reißen definitiv mal sauber ab.


Das wird ein Fest.


Seid dabei! 11.06. und 12.06.2021 - Live - Online - in bunt!

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Die Frenzys

The post Hannover Thrashers "Surgical Strike" @ MFOA Livestream Edition Vol. 2 first appeared on Metal Frenzy Open Air Festival.
Zur Infoseite von: Metal Frenzy
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