Write Your Own News Headlines

Kategorie: FutureEverything
geschrieben von: FutureEverything geschrieben am: 13.05.2012 um: 13:55 Uhr

The explosion of social media has turned everyone into a journalist, and everything into news. Via Facebook, users are invited to leave their own personalised messages printed by the MEN on newspaper billboards and displayed around the MOSI site as part of Jeremy Hutchison's Extra! Extra! Your Life, a Headline.

To take part in this fascinating piece of artwork, visit the Extra! Extra! facebook page and leave your own suggestions on the wall, the best will be transformed by Jeremy Hutchison into actual billboards displayed at the exhibition from 16 May - 10 June in Manchester.


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Quelle: http://futureeverything.org mehr: FutureEverything News