A Dog Friendly Festival With A Friendly Dog |
Kategorie: Doune The Rabbit Hole Festival | |
geschrieben von: Doune The Rabbit Hole Festival | geschrieben am: 17.08.2014 um: 13:50 Uhr |
Is the festival dog friendly, you ask?Well yes he is, he's called Ernie and he loves treats.... but yes, the festival does welcome dogs, as long as they're on a lead at all times and are the responsibility of their owners. Also you don't need a ticket for a dog or indeed for kids 12 years and under, teenagers get a discount too... bring the whole family! Check out the tickets here.
Zur Infoseite von: Doune The Rabbit Hole Festival | ||
Quelle: http://dounetherabbithole.co.uk | mehr: Doune The Rabbit Hole Festival News |