Jachzen Bachzen

Name: Jachzen Bachzen
Herkunft: 10249 Berl Berlin, Deutschland
Genre: Rock'n Roll
Homepage: Jachzen Bachzen
Demo Songs: nicht Angegeben
Kategorie: Band
Bild: Bild von Jachzen Bachzen
Video 1
Jachzen Bachzen

When Zeus & Moses meet for a feast... 


Jachzen Bachzen are four Israeli musicians that met a few years ago in Berlin.

Coming from different musical backgrounds and different cultures, they managed to combine the unique influence of traditional Greek music and middle eastern sound (The Bouzouki and Percussion sounds) and the western sound of Rock n’ Roll (Drums, Bass Guitar and Keyboards) into a very exciting new style.


On stage the band creates a very upliftting and loose atmosphere that makes everyone in every age stand on their feet and dance. The easten/western psychedelic sounds touch and warm the hearts and the minds of the audiences. The band keep their promise “to make you sweat darling!”


formed only since 2010, The band already performed at main clubs in Berlin and other cities in Germany and Israel. They also took part with great success in major events and festivals like the well-known “Fusion Festival 2011” in Lärz, “48 Stunden Neukölln” and “Fete de la Musique” in Berlin, and cooperated with the the Israeli Embassy in the events of “Habait Party”.


Jachzen Bachzen’s debut album “Greatest Hits” was published in October 2011.
In the upcoming winter the band move to warmer areas and therefor has a big tour in Israel during January and February to promote their CD.


 Fusion presstext:http://www.fusion-festival.de/de/2011/programm/band/ 






Infos für Veranstalter

Das Set der Band hat eine Spieldauer von mind. 1 Std.

Bei Bookings Ausserhalb von Berlin entstehen Spritkosten, ggf. müssen Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten organisiert werden.

Wenn kein Schlagzeug zur Verfügung steht kann dies mitgebracht werden, allerdings enstehen dann zusätzliche Transportkosten. 

Fahrtkosten plus Gage n.V 

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