Kalulu Solar

Name: Kalulu Solar
Herkunft: Hamburg, Deutschland
Genre: Reggae
Weitere Genre: Hip Hop - Ska
Homepage: Kalulu Solar
Demo Songs: Kalulu Solar
Kategorie: Band
Bild: Bild von Kalulu Solar
Video 1
Video 2
Video 3
Video 4
Video 5
Video 6
Kalulu Solar

.... Kalulu Solar, that's off beat poetry, orient wild west, multiple collision of feelings,

quantum leap of consciousness. this is a happy beat romance, according to the

"Snafu Principle".

situation normal all fucked up!

Kalulu Solar makes grunge reggae soul, radioactive folkpopping, that got not washed,

but leaves a clean impression.

Kalulu Solar has entered into gaia's erogenous zones and determined, that

mrs. planet is pretty sexy. therefore Kalulu went into seclusion to figure out,

how can he win her love.

flower power from the throne pushing Kalulu Solar swirls with his songs, no less

hippie-esk around.

a bunch of desperadoes, who have nothing to lose and therefore pack

their confusion and their desires into songs to encounter to the madness of the globalized world

and to remember the responsibility for eternity.

not with a raised index finger, but in a natural bond with their lives.

this is not painted black and white.

we walk with Kalulu solar through the entire color palette from despair to hope,

from fear to love.

we are moving to a seemingly invisible center, and are gently catapulted into the next universe.

Uh lalala!

So ... see you at the party.

Band Booking: Kalulu Solar buchen

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