WO?!Festival - Das Archiv
13.07. - 15.07.2023
mit: Stereo Dynamite, Xylospongium, The Snouts, Caribio, Ohne Kompass, Dezemberkind, Fuchs & Krüml, Stinky Pete & The Rabid Babies, Archetype, Felix Harer, Bonzi Stolle & Marz, Bertan & Josh, Double U D40, Roses for Someone, Grup Huub, Olga Schmus, Beat07, Antiheld, The Baxxter Boys, Bouncing Betty ...
28.06. - 29.06.2019
mit: Funky Fizzle, Antiheld, Ohne Kompass, Crowd of Exempt, Hell & Back, Fugger, Tiavo, Sickless, Olga Schmus, The Spacecowboys and Bernie, Grup Huub, Leitmot!v, Felix & Friends, Endor4ne, The Story of March, Kafvka, Juniique, Junion
08.06. - 09.06.2018
mit: Kmpfsprt, Veedel Kaztro, This Bleeding Soul, Electric Love, Venues, Vier Typen, The Dirty Waters, Zaru, Bouncing Betty, Out of Order, Drive Darling, Stagediving Elephants, Manufactura Musica, Felix Harer, TheHace, Time to Rise, Cliff House
16.06. - 17.06.2017
mit: Mira Wunder, Funky Fizzle, Fuck of Death, Dreiblatt, Bartek, Kafvka, Olga Schmus, Felix Bayer, Mal Zwischendurch, Dominik Tahedl, Archetype, Sofia & Aleksi, Long Way Home, Head & Heart, Blackout Problems, Ohne Kompass, Diva Cholerika
10.06. - 11.06.2016
mit: Art against agony, FairKiLL, Electric Love, Sinners in Rage, RasgaRasga, Pluspol, Back and Fill, Smile and Burn, Olli Banjo, Emmagold, Kniffler's Mum, 61 Inch, Matu, Blurred, Grup Huub, Fuchs & Krüml, Xylospongium
12.06. - 13.06.2015
mit: Antiheld, Penny Power, Nora de, The Rolacas, Bad Liver, Dezemberkind, Roidige Hunde, Schlaraffenlandung, EscapE from WonderlanD, Fabian Bruck, Kellerhelden, Kniffler's Mum, New Gene., Stereo Dynamite
09.05. - 10.05.2014
mit: Helena Calls Back, Art Against Agony, Beyond Skies, Younger Us, Way To Emptiness, Emily Still Reminds, Learning From Larry, Shove It, Dreiblatt, Johnny Ton, Hell & Back, The Scouts, Soundbite, Lea Ladoux, Mindead, Kilian Mohns, Weekend
14.06. - 15.06.2013
mit: Missing Brake, My little Rockstar Dream, Think Twice, Flowers in Syrup, Ursus, Stereoton, This Bleeding Soul, Mom's Day, Funky Fizzle, The Haverbrook Disaster, Brand New Grace, Unhappy Collision, 18 Strings, Sevenlies, Yolo Effect, Hit the Jerk, The Bandgeek Mafia, Rumour Abroad
11.05. - 12.05.2012
mit: Jagga Bites Combo, Dead by Sushi, The Crusty Crap, Roses for Someone, Zaru, The Jerks, Under Control, [æm-x], Oben Ohne, Stereoton, Stripped, Nola Flyd, kOoBkO, Stereo Dynamite, Old Man at the Bridge, China loves White, Teaching Kalle
20.05. - 21.05.2011
mit: Learning from Larry, King Walked The Plank, Teaching Kelly, This Bleeding Soul, Dui Pfeifel, Black 'n' Proud, Subwave, Stinky Pete & The Rabid Babies, White Daze
14.05. - 15.05.2010
mit: Wake Up, Joe Blob, Big Spin, S.p.a.c.k.s., 25hours, The Kimberlakes, Nulltarif, The Rocking Chairs, Die Häppitjuts, Jamhed, Allthefury, Retarded Jerks, Dezemberkind, No Time For Drama, Semana Santa, Sidewalk