15. Stendhal Festival

From: 04.07.2025 To: 06.07.2025
Still 145 days to the beginning of the Festival

Stendhal Festival offers you the chance to bring a little colour into your summer and "shake your tail feather".

With over 8 stages spread across the main arena, woodlands and Karma Valley, the programme is packed with an amazing array of performances, art, workshops, and activities for all ages.

This spectacular gathering is set at Ballymully Cottage Farm, in the Causeway Coast and Glens borough area against the backdrop of breathtaking scenery off the famous Causeway Coastal Route, making it the quintessential destination for a memorable weekend!

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Genre: Gemischt
Category: Bunt Gemischte Festivals
Admission: VVK 120 £ (mit Camping)
Location: Ballymully Cottage Farm
Postcode: BT49 0NQ
City: Limavady
Street: Ballyavelin road
Country: England
Website: Stendhal Festival

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