Sauzipf Rocks - Das Archiv
18.08. - 19.08.2023
mit: Rosalie Cunningham, Heckspoiler, La Muerte, Acid King, Disharmonic Orchestra, Lurch, Johnny and the Rotten, Opium Masala, OvO, Hella Comet, Les Lekin
09.08. - 10.08.2019
mit: D˙se, Zu, Insanity Alert, Wucan, Dead Witches, The Moo Rays, King Salami & The Cumberland 3, Ouzo Bazooka, Vu Garde, Madog, Franz Fuexe, Ram, Hen Grenade
10.08. - 11.08.2018
mit: No Fun At All, Girlschool, Yawning Man, The Cosmic Dead, Disharmonic Orchestra, The Well, Wolvennest, UGF, Brume, The Phantom Four, Boogie Hammer, Wet Spinach, Mothers Of The Land, King Automatic
12.08. - 13.08.2016
mit: Terrorgruppe, The Dictators, Ufomammut, Conan, Poly-Math, Valient Thorr, Space Chaser, Ghouls Come Knockin', Iron Heel, The Oscillation, Die Bullen, Minus Green, Negative Approach
07.08. - 08.08.2015
mit: The Exploited, Primordial, Black Tusk, Colour Haze, Our Survival Depends On Us, Black Rainbows, Suns of Thyme, Madog, Insanity Alert, Go!Go!Gorillo, Arabrot, Counterweight
08.08. - 09.08.2014
mit: Satan, Church Of Misery, The Wandering Midget, Monomyth, Half Girl, Yussuf Jerusalem, Aqua Nebula Oscillator, Wedge, SNFU, Anti-Corpos, Power, Franz Fuexe, Anstalt, Boozehounds Of Hell, Jack Frost, A Great River In The Sky
09.08. - 10.08.2013
mit: Peter Pan Speedrock, Kadavar, Stille Volk, Circle, Toner Low, Our Survival Depends On Us, Patsy Walkers, Wildhunt, Unavoidable, DxBxSx, Dave & The Pussies, Contra Real, Nightstalker, Disastrous Murmur, Treponem Pal, Hangee V
10.08. - 11.08.2012
mit: Hella Comet, Gorilla Monsoon, Alkbottle, Naam, Bloodshed Remains, Vibravoid, Freddie Red, Lesson to be learned, Sertycon, Wild Evel & The Trashbones, Riotgod, Discharge, Sigiriya, Oranssi Pazuzu, Thee Oops
12.08. - 13.08.2011
mit: Baby Woodrose, Total Chaos, Horn of the Rhino, Malignant Tumour, The Heads, Mignon, Madog, Dust Bolt, The Anomalys, Peggy Germs, Stake-off the Witch, The Lost Rivers, Stonedhedge, Lesson To Be Learned
07.08. - 08.08.2009
mit: Grand Magus, The Real Mckenzies, Acid King, Colour Haze, Stille Volk, Disharmonic Orchestra, Siena Root, Suma, Lord Bishop, Violent Devoties, Blood Sucking Zombies, Doomina, 7 That Spells, Liquid Queens, Müllionäre, King Automatic
08.08. - 09.08.2008
mit: Torture Squad, The Unseen, The Bottrops, Karras, Folkstone, Bud Spencer, Zippo, Doomraiser, BulBul, Fuzz Manta, Misbegotten, Zone Six, Stereochrist, Alix, Veritas Mentis, Thytopia, Typhoon HC, Patiocrash
10.08. - 11.08.2007
mit: Apriaca, Sundust, Drive By Shooting, Stoned Hedge, Damn, End Of Level Boss, Rotor, Sertycon, Destruction Of Violence, Art Of Fear, The Magnificent Brotherhood, Josiah, Rentokill, To Kill, Orange Goblin, Ultrawurscht, Toner Low