Roxsa Festival - Das Archiv

Zur Info Seite von: Roxsa Festival

12.07. - 14.07.2024
mit: Appollo34, Frittenbude, Gregor Meyle, Il Civetto, Schampus Pankow, Thorbjørn Risager & The Black Tornado, Joy Denalane, Blind Bankers, Country Sisters, Rodeo FM
07.07. - 09.07.2023
mit: The Outis Nemo One Man Band, The Wake Woods, Ray Wilson, The Rockin' Lafayettes, The Aberlour's, WellBad, Silly, Polkaholix, Vołosi
08.07. - 09.07.2022
mit: Die Busch Company, Mi Solar, Men In Blech, Dear Robin, Mary Keey, The Terri Green Project, Stefan Gwildis, Jimmy Gee
mit: Baltic Gulls, The BlueSharks, Pinski, Fisherman's Wife, Torfrock, Big Fat Shakin'
07.07. - 08.07.2018
mit: Keimzeit, Seelenschiffe, Les Bummms Boys
mit: Shandra, The Rabby 'n' Bosmus, Admission Reduced, Jesters, Riders Connection, Joy Fleming, Carina Castillo & Groove Town
mit: Andreas Kümmert, Five Men On The Rocks, The Hoodoo Two, Breitling Stompers, Jarret Jazz
mit: Jackpot, La Pack, Die Herren, Movimento, Subbotnik, Bad Penny, Miro Nemec Band