Rock am Bach - Das Archiv

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05.09. - 07.09.2024
mit: The Astronaut & The Fox, Teddy Smith, Sparkling, Beach Blues, Worn Out, Raw Sienna, Ell, Willman, Modular, Lola & Bvck, Amixs, Japanama, Seven Purple Tigers, Kochkraft Durch Kma, Staatseinde, The Flouk's​, Zimt&zorn​
07.09. - 09.09.2023
mit: In Daeira, Lisa Maé, Catastrophe Waitress, Unojah, Timbeau, Smile, Paula Carolina, OK.Danke.Tschüss, Lenkrad, Cosmic Twilight, Aeugen, Oberst Panizza, Raketenumschau, Die Weltbildhauer:innen, Van Holzen
05.09. - 07.09.2019
mit: Malaka Hostel, Restless Feet, Lightrain, DeWolff, The Mauskovic Dance Band, Automatik Amore, 45acidbabies, Sound Of Smoke, Kuf, Alice Phoebe Lou, Dawn Brothers, Bab L'Bluz, Die Drahtzieher, Weird Fishes
07.09. - 08.09.2018
mit: Birth Of Joy, Die Haiducken, Mama Magnet, The Skaletons, Cosmic Mints, RasgaRasga, Götz Widmann, Harvey Rushmore & the Octopus, Danjo
01.09. - 02.09.2017
mit: Say Yes Dog, Fatcat, Sea Moya, Loisach Marci, Charme & Melone, Findlay, El Flecha Negra, Lion Sphere, Die Haiducken, Zim Zum Crash
02.09. - 03.09.2016
mit: Michael Oertel Trio, King Automatic, The El Sonno Brothers, The Caezars, East Sister, The Skaletons, Brothers Of Santa Claus, Faber, The Fat Badgers
04.09. - 05.09.2015
mit: Bukahara, The Rob Ryan Roadshow, Bonnie Blade & The B-Flat Canaries, Mine, Magnetband, The Backseat Boogie, Prison Train, Peaceful Sins, El Flecha Negra, Crystal & Runnin' Wild
05.09. - 07.09.2014
mit: Äl Jawala, Brothers Of Santa Claus, Teddy Smith & The Foreigners, Peaceful Sins, J & JJ, Rockin Carbonara, Rock'n'roll Big Block, Bonnie & The Groove Cats, Bonnie Blade & The B-Flat Canaries, The Rhythm Kings
mit: Turbo ThoPhu, Kerosene, Bonesaw 57, Selfmade Savior, The Hellcall, Finsterforst, Tim Beam
mit: Emil Bulls, Lamera, Supernova Plasmajets, Sie werden uns finden, Some Living, Burning Nations
mit: Dreadliners, Maddis'son Brass Band, Fall in Grace, Tim Beam, Panama Riddim Section, Frantic Flintstones
mit: Fear My Thoughts, Bowel Function, Hell Valley Wankers, Silver Trigger, Kate on Crack, Hello Taxi
mit: Yakuzi, Ben Propeller, Jacuzzi Pirates, Fed Up 74, Confuzed, The Trashed
mit: Bowel Function, Twice A Day, Yen, Centao, Silent Surface, Far Off The Zoo