Packhalle Open Air - Das Archiv

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mit: Sweet Electric, Holly Would Surrender, Seb Zukini, Traversus, Mount Atlas, Snakeshit on a plane, The Voodoo Hoodoo Blues Club, Amantis, Monotongrau, Privacy, Chapter V, Valerian
mit: Night Laser, Shellycoat, Moonradio, Tamar, Saint Lilly, Tim Mahn, Roll on Mouche, Chrisses Acoustic Duo, Butterside Down, Crazy Ax, Klabusterbernd
03.07. - 04.07.2020
wurde abgesagt!
mit: Weckörhead, The Heavens Devils, Liar Thief Bandit, Sinclair & Sons, Aggressive Freundlichkeit, Civil Courage, Tom Shadow, Jennifer Berning, Kenterwasser, Megalizz, Nadua
mit: Joey Voodoo, Storm of Wind, Uhgah Wugah, Sorry John, Riot at the Moonshine Bar, Fräulein Ingrid aus Stockholm, Lax Diamond, Moin, One Trick Pony, The Human Computers, Knochentrocken
mit: Brain Lickers, KleinE, Jail Job Eve, Watch out Stampede, The Heavens Devils, Mondo Mashup Soundsystem, Letterbox Salvation, BazyOne, Lo Volt Age, The Sensational Second Cousins, SoundBrothers