Grind The Nazi Scum Festival - Das Archiv

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19.05. - 20.05.2023
mit: 908, Arrogänt, Attack Of The Mad Axeman, Days Of Desolation, Deaftrap, Death In Your Yard, False, Gummo, Hetze, Idiocracy, Inhumate, Insane Order, Insistent, Lmda, Macabros, Nickelcrack, Sheeva Yoga, Six-score, Slapendehonden, Suffering Quota, Tagesklinik, Take Dead, Trigger, Warfuck, Whoresnation ...
27.05. - 28.05.2022
mit: 1st Class Collapse, Attack Of The Mad Axeman, Blockheads, Clean Torture, Convulsions, Facepalm Nation, Hamerhaai, Ill!, Implore, Karnickelmesser, Keitzer, Kobra Nation, Lost, Makkmat, Massive Charge, Means Of Control, Messerschiesserei, Miami Death 2, Mørtel, Nuclear Holocaust ...
16.05. - 18.05.2019
mit: Abhorrent Funeral, Ancst, Arnø X Duebel, Caca De Luna, Codename:Hydra, Crisis Benoit, Escarnium, Growls, Hørdür, Human Waste, Jack, Keitzer, Needful Things, Onanizer, Optimist, Project For Bastards, Psychoneurosis, Reckless Manslaughter, Repulsione, Repulsive Feast, Sanitys Dawn, Statist ...
24.05. - 26.05.2018
mit: 1st Class Collapse, Abaddon Incarnate, Abjured, Anthropocide, Boris Viande, Carnal Tomb, Collision, Crippled Fox, Ekpyrosis, Endseeker, Evoked, Famine, Graveyard Ghoul, Grumo, Haemophagus, Insect Terror, My Minds Mine, Ona Snop, Ophis, Sanitys Dawn, Turtle Rage, Warfuck, Yattai
18.05. - 20.05.2017
mit: Keitzer, Warfuck, Cluster Bomb Unit, The Arson Project, Bastard Royalty, Unsu
26.05. - 28.05.2016
mit: Gride, Slaughterday, Refusal, Depraved, Endseeker, Implore, Attack Of Rage, Maat, Warfuck, Herida Profunda, Tormentor, Ill Neglect, Katatonie, FCH, Graveyard Ghoul, Demonbreed, Violent Frustration, Eques, Battra, Codename:Hydra, Giant Spencer and Gerni Hill
28.05. - 30.05.2015
mit: Battra, Captain Caveman, Columbo, Exit Humanity, Warfuck, Omega Soul, Lifeless, Cancer Clan, Blockheads, Boiler, Rabid Dogs, G.I. Joke, Torturerama, Growls, Perfecitizen, Reactory, Teethgrinder, Discreation, Incarceration, Needful Things
19.06. - 21.06.2014
mit: Accion Mutante, Arroganz, Cryptic Brood, Dirty East Godverdomme, Distaste, Eastfrisian Terror, Funeral Whore, Genocide Generator, Herida Profunda, Incarceration, Insomnia Isterica, Katatonie, Maggot Shoes, Master, Primitive Man, Rogash, Wake, Warfuck, Four Chord Hell, Eastwood
13.06. - 15.06.2013
mit: Nitro Injekzia, Eastwood, Wound, Deathronation, Dead, Collision, Massive Assault, Warfuck, Tormentor, Contrastic, Lovgun, Begraven, Jack, Untamed, Dehuman Reign, Revel In Flesh, Sanitys Dawn, Onanizer, Chapel Of Disease, Deserted Fear, Agathocles, Phalluskult
14.06. - 16.06.2012
mit: Renounce Authority, Reaction To Ruin, Hammer Of Gore, Dissouled, Xkatexmoshx, Faxe, Deathronation, Ratbomb, Entera, Warfuck, Harm, Wormrot, Defaced, Six Brew Bantha, Left Hand Path, Department Of Correction, Powercup, Reckless Manslaughter, Unsu, Bitterness Exhumed, Obscure Infinity, Whoresnation ...
23.06. - 25.06.2011
mit: Blood I Bleed, Boiler, Die Sick, Family Man, Filthy Charity, First Aid, Four Chord Hell, F.u.b.a.r., Grindbashers, Hell Is Heaven, Keitzer, Krupskaya, Krush, Maim, Massive Assault, Mizar, Obscure Mortuary, Rabies, Saywhy?, Schmand, Suffering Mind, Tacheless, Torment Tool, Yacøpsæ
25.06. - 27.06.2009
mit: Inhumate, Gored, Accion Mutante, Bloodbastard, Androphagous, Belching Beet, Blood I Bleed, Disanthrope, Dr.doom, Keitzer, Mrs.krabappel, Neuropathia, Trepan'Dead, Trocki, Stillbirth, Punished Earth, Immured, Verstärkertod, Meinhof, Pighead, Brumm Brumm Boese
24.07. - 26.07.2008
mit: Boiler, Cruel Execute, Trauma Moralis, Poostew, Entrails Massacre, Discarga, Tinner, Plüsch, Insecure Rebirth, Abjured, Cause Of Divorce, Greed Killing, Necromorph, Goregast, Maggot Shoes, World Downfall, Afrgund, Mumakil, Mesrine
27.07. - 28.07.2007
mit: Bizarre X, Die Sick, Sylvester Staline, Fubar, Magrudergrind, Partsch and his Summerdocks, Wut Krach Lärm, Katyusha, Katatonie, Sanitys Dawn, Sadistic Brainslaughter, Sterbehilfe, Accion Mutante, Needful Things, Mucupurulent
02.06. - 04.06.2006
mit: Motörbreath, Internal Decay, Not Sorry About Dresden, Rotz666, Diarrhoea, Fleshless, Malignant Tumour, Satan's Revenge On Mankind, Partsch and his Summerdocks, Conspiracy, Tourette Syndrom, Profesor Lefebvre, Goregast, Burning Butthairs, Ingrowing, Chrysops, Spitout, Paroxysm, Morbid Butcher ...