15. Festival Antigel

From: 06.02.2025 To: 01.03.2025
This Festival takes place today

From 6th February to 1st March 2025, Antigel unfolds its cultural map across several Municipalities for a 13th festival that will liven up the Geneva winter with concerts, dance and sports shows, parties and a host of unusual and relaxing events in the heart of the Canton's countryside.

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Genre: Hip Hop, Folk, Indie, Indie Rock ...
Category: Bunt Gemischte Festivals
Admission: VVK 110 CHF
Visitors: 50000
Location: Verschiedene Locations
Postcode: 1204
City: Genf
Country: Schweiz
Website: Festival Antigel


Kid Francescoli, Jassclub, Zamdane, Shorty7G, Dobrawa Czocher, The Heavy Heavy, Mama Snake, Lau, Oisin Leech, The Veils, Laure Betris, Vincent Ségal, Muireann Bradley, The Libertines, De La Soul, Apophenia
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