City of Dance Festival

From: 18.07.2025 To: 19.07.2025
Still 159 days to the beginning of the Festival

Once every year, at a magical place in a colorful jungle of music & lights City of Dance festival takes place, and thousands of fortunate people have the privilege to create wonderful memories.

You can spend 3 days and nights partying with your friends together with the hottest international and local artists in a breathtaking setting.

Musical diversity is deeply rooted in our DNA. More than 200 artists perform on our 8 stages, covering all genres within the spectrum of electronic music: from EDM, Techno, Deep-House, to Hardstyle, Hardcore, Party & Nineties to Hip Hop. Our handcrafted stages range from outdoor dance floors to shelters with LED screens, laser shows, and the most advanced sound systems. On Saturday night, we close City of Dance with a bang. Expect lots of fireworks, confetti and goose bumps!

Bitte informiere dich auf der offiziellen Internetseite der Veranstaltung. Festivalticker gibt keine Gewährleistung auf Vollständigkeit/Richtigkeit der hier veröffentlichten Daten.

Hardstyle, Hardcore Techno, Techno,... mehr
Hardstyle, Hardcore Techno, Techno, Hip Hop, Caribbean Dance, Rawstyle, Hard Dance ... close
Category: Elektronische Festivals
Admission: VVK ab 38 € (Early Bird)
Visitors: 10000
Location: Oude Veerseweg
Postcode: 4332 SJ
City: Middelburg
Street: Oude Veerseweg
Country: Holland
Website: City of Dance Festival

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