Bock Ma´s Festival - Das Archiv
26.08. - 28.08.2010
mit: Chords´n´Coffee, Hinterland, Francis International Airport, Family Kuti Band, Wipe Out, Roman Rauch, Patrick Pulsinger, Offbeat Mafia, Neuschnee, Das Trojanische Pferd, Paper Bird, Kurort, Velojet, Bunny Lake, Dj Se.Vero, Fresh Andy, Shantisan, Etepetete Girls, Candlelight Disaster, pop:sch ...
27.08. - 29.08.2009
mit: Agitation, Britta, Da Staumtisch, Fiva & Phekt, Ghettoman & the Fireman Crew, Good enough for you, Gustav, Ja Panik, Kein Vorspiel, Kreisky, Les Hommes Sauvages, Luise Pop, Major Pins, Rentokill, Skaputnik, Sound Diary, Stimmgewitter Augustin & Seven Sioux, Tumido, You Know, Club Freizeit, Diaz ...
22.08. - 24.08.2008
mit: Bad Reverb, Sköfv, Salvation, Clara Luzia, Texta, Mauracher, Dj Habakuk, Miss Anderson, Steve Looney & Michael Strauss, Pola-Riot Deejays, Al Haca Soundsystem, Electrosacher, TD & the Jammers, Cherry Sunkist, Gang Bang Gang, Seven Sioux, Rewolfinger, Mord, K-Rings Brothers, The Boogoos ...
23.08. - 25.08.2007
Keine Bands angegeben
25.08. - 27.08.2006
mit: Hotel Prestige, You Know, Avery Island, United Movement, Russkaja, Hörspielcrew, Phoenics, Aliens, Zion, Pi, Use To Abuse, She-male Trouble, Dr. Woggle & The Radio, Roithauma Buschbuam Combo, Mundoloco, Bilderbuch, Dump, Christoph & Lollo, Brainwashed, Mono & Nikitaman