6. Sacred Ground Festival 2022

From: 11.08.2022 To: 14.08.2022
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Website vom Sacred Ground Festival 2022

Located in the idyllic countryside just north of Berlin, Sacred Grounds free-spirited ethos combined with international DJs, Bands and Live Artists is transforming the idea of what a festival can be. We are dedicated to life's true pleasures - art, nature and culinary specialties - and with a line-up of friends and respected artists invited by the curators Ry X and Frank Wiedemann.

Additional to the various artists and musicians, we have top-quality, regional and international treats for you alongside a lot of love for detail regarding the design of the whole grounds. A subject which has always been close to our heart is the respect and love for nature and the surrounding community. It is one of our priorities to be as sustainable as possible, starting by not using plastic straws since the first edition, followed by becoming plastic free and using solar energy sells this year! A development which will expand every year.

With a limited amount of tickets, Sacred Ground puts aside backstage and VIP guest areas to prioritize the experience of our guests above all else. Producing a truly open, intimate and transformative experience where there is no rush and everyone comes together as one community.

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Genre: House, Indietronic, Electronic, Techno ...
Category: Elektronische Festivals
Admission: VVK 150 €
Location: Klingeteich Klingemühle
Postcode: 15848
City: Friedland
Street: Am Klingeteich
Country: Deutschland
Website: Sacred Ground Festival


Ry X, Andhim, Mira, Chris Schwarzwälder, Niklas Paschburg, Âme, Kink, Chloé, Dixon, Sofia Kourtesis
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