Roadburn Redux 2021

From: 16.04.2021 To: 18.04.2021
Das Festival war vor 1392 days

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Roadburn Redux brings the Roadburn experience online. With a free digital event taking place on
There will be exclusive performances live at the 013 venue which will be broadcast around the world via our purpose-built Roadburn Redux platform which includes a real-time live blog. In between those shows will be a whole programme of world premieres and special performances - everything you experience will be exclusive.

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Black Metal, Sludge, Death Metal,... mehr
Black Metal, Sludge, Death Metal, Space Rock, Noise Rock, Psychedelic Folk Rock, Psychedelic Black Metal, Blackened Hardcore, Progressive Metal, Psych Rock, Psychedelic Post Metal, Progressive Rock, Drone Metal, Ambient, Shoegaze, Rock, Avant Goth, Psychedelic Rock, Psychedelic Folk, Synthwave, Electronic Rock, Atmospheric Black Metal, Electronic, Alternative Pop, Post Metal ... close
Category: Rock Festivals
Admission: Kostenlos
Location: Online
City: Online
Country: Holland
Website: Roadburn Redux


Aaron Turner, Acid Rooster, Algiers, Alora Crucible, Amulets, An Autumn For Crippled Children, Astrosoniq, Autarkh, Bada, Blanck Mass, Blessings, Blodet, Body Void, Briqueville, Crown, Dawn Ray’d, Dead Neanderthals, Die Wilde Jagd, Dirk Serries, Doctors of Space, Doodswens, Drowse, Dust Mountain, Emma Ruth Rundle & Thou, Emptiness, Gallops, Gold, Hand Model, Hante., Haunted Plasma, Hexvessel, Inter Arma, Iterum Nata, Jo Quail, Johan G. Winther, Jonathan Hulten, Kairon; Irse!, Kayo Dot, Knoll, Llnn, Lustmord & Karin Park, Maggot Heart, Many Blessings, Midwife, Might, Mizmor, Nadja, Neptunian Maximalism, Nero di Marte, Noctule, Obsidian Kingdom, Of Blood and Mercury, Of Wolves, Offermose, Oslo Tapes, Plague Organ, Polymoon, Primitive Man, Psychonaut, Radar Men From The Moon, Regarde Les Hommes Tomber, Sâver, Solar Temple, SOM, Spill Gold, Steve Von Till, Sula Bassana, Sunrot, Talea Jacta meets Electric Moon, Tau, TDC Inc., Tesa, The Devil's Trade, The Nest, The Ocean, The Songs of Townes Van Zandt, Thy Catafalque, Trialogos, Wayfarer, Wesenwille, Witch Mountain, Wolf King, Wolvennest, Wolves In The Condo, Year of No Light

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Die meisten Klicks 2021
01. Tomorrowland
02. O.Z.O.R.A. Festiv ..
03. Indian Spirit
04. Garbicz Festival
05. Woodstock der Bla ..
06. Luft und Liebe Vo ..
07. Nation of Gondwana
08. Spirit Festival
09. G.O.N.D. - Fuck T ..
10. Splash! Festival
11. Lighthouse Festiv ..
12. New Healing Festi ..
13. Summer Dream Open ..
14. Hock Rock MPS
15. Pol'and'Rock
16. Oben Ohne Open Air
17. Pyrmonter Wirtsch ..
18. Time Warp
19. Bachblyten Festiv ..
20. Boom Festival