21. Sonic Acts 2020

From: 21.02.2020 To: 23.02.2020
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Sonic Acts Academy is a three-day festival of innovative audio-visual and performative art and critical thinking, motivated by changes in the ecological, political, technological and social landscape. From 21-23 February 2020 in Amsterdam, the Academy transforms partnering institutions - Paradiso, De Brakke Grond, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam and OT301 - into a thought-provoking space for new developments in artistic research. Three richly programmed evenings of live cinema, experimental concerts and progressive club nights accompany a conference featuring cutting-edge artistic voices from around the world.

As a condensed rendition of its bigger sister Sonic Acts Festival, the Academy is interested in artistic reflections on the impact of planetary transformations caused by humans. Informed by the climate crisis and thoughts on potential futures, the Academy invites visitors to discuss, listen, watch and share experiences with over 50 of the most exciting contemporary artists and thinkers working today.

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Genre: Electronic, Experimental, Avantgarde ...
Category: Bunt Gemischte Festivals
Admission: VVK 70 €
Location: Verschiedene Locations
Postcode: 1017
City: Amsterdam
Country: Holland
Website: Sonic Acts


Meuko! Meuko!, Tadleeh, Debby Friday, Rui Ho, S280F / 011668 / vvxxii, bod [包家巷] + Schwestern Sisters, Bookworms, Via App, Speaker Music, Elvin Brandhi

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