Let It Roll Winter Edition 2020

From: 28.02.2020 To: 01.03.2020
Das Festival war vor 1813 days

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Let It Roll Winter will take place on 22nd and 23rd February 2020 and yes - this is not a typo - it is going to be a 2-day event! Let It Roll Winter 2020 will span over 2 nights!

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Genre: Drum & Bass
Category: Elektronische Festivals
Admission: VVK 60 €
Visitors: 7000
Location: Forum Karlín
Postcode: 18600
City: Prag
Street: Pernerova 51
Country: Tschechien
Website: Let It Roll Winter Edition


Andy C, Black Sun Empire, The Prototypes, Turno, Abis, Dilemma, Kove, Monrroe., Simple Souls, Wilkinson, Hybrid Minds, Friction, Audio, Kanine, Kasra Critical, Prolix, Forbidden Society, Promenade, Rido

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Let It Roll Winter Edition auf Facebook

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