10. E-Only Festival 2020

From: 14.02.2020 To: 15.02.2020
Das Festival war vor 1828 days

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Die zehnte Ausgabe des E-Only Festival findet am 14. und 15. Februar statt. Als Locations dient auch deses Mal das Stadtbad in Leipzig.

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EBM, Coldwave, Electro Wave, Minimal... mehr
EBM, Coldwave, Electro Wave, Minimal Wave, Electronic, Electropop, Electro, Synthpop, Wave, Dark Electro ... close
Category: Gothic Festivals / Dark Festivals
Admission: VVK 62 €
Location: Stadtbad
Postcode: 04105
City: Leipzig
Street: Eutritzscher Str. 21
Country: Deutschland
Website: E-Only Festival


Ash Code, Gertrud Stein and the Virtual Video Band, Agent Side Grinder, Rue Oberkampf, Empathy Test, S.P.O.C.K, Any Second, suicide commando, NZ, Henric de la Cour, Aesthetic Perfection, The Juggernauts, Pouppée Fabrikk, A Split - Second, Wülf7, True Zebra

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