WeckheyWieselFest 2019 - Das Programm

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Wellenreiter (Langewiesen/ Deutschrock)
Plain Jane (J*na/ Rock)
Road Guy and the Hedgehogs (Hildburghausen/ Rock'n'Country)
Reiche Söhne (Halle/ Pop)
Osaka Rising (Erfurt/ 2-Man-Hard-Rock)


Broken Bone Ballad (Hildesheim/ Garage-Rock)
Off the Road (Berlin/ Rock)
Eule Müller (Erfurt/ Pop-Punk)
Spark of Hope (Weimar/ College-Punk)
Holly would Surrender (Hambug/Pop-Punk)
Texas Music Massacre (Leipzig/Country'Punk'n'Roll)
Pranx (Pop-Punk)