11. Globaltica 2015

From: 22.07.2015 To: 26.07.2015
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Globaltica World Cultures Festival is a unique music event in Poland. This year, as an addition to the musical part of the event we will be able to take part in a series of events taking place in the whole City of Gdynia, such as photo and paintings exhibitions, yoga, music and theatre workshops.

Globaltica explores ethnic themes and inspirations in contemporary culture. It shows areas where tradition begins to be modern and contemporary culture becomes a tradition.

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Genre: Worldmusic, Folk, Salsa, Gipsy Swing ...
Category: Weltmusik Festivals - Folk Festivals
Admission: VVK 16-36 PLN je Event
Location: Kolibki Adventure Park
Postcode: 81-553
City: Gdynia
Street: Bernadowska 1
Country: Polen
Website: Globaltica


Ustad Dharambir Singh, Django Lassi, Janusz Prusinowski Kompania, Rabih Abou-Khalil, Shira U'tfila, Soneros De Verdad, Stella Chiweshe

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