Førdefestivalen 2015

From: 01.07.2015 To: 05.07.2015
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Førde Traditional and World Music Festival is the largest festival in Scandinavia for traditional and / world music and dance from all over the world. The festival was established in 1990, and takes place in beginning of July each year (week no 27).

The main profile is traditional and contemporary folk music on an accoustic basis. 6000 artists from more than 120 different countries have been presented at the festival the last 25 years. The festival programme is of great variety, with concerts, workshops, exhibitions, children's events, dance evenings etc. Plus different kinds of projects during the festival week and throughout the year. The main venue is the culture center, "Førdehuset" with four concert halls from 170 to 2500 seats. Festival events also take place in hotels, museums arts centres and outdoor stages in and nearby Førde, altogether about 20 venues.

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Genre: Worldmusic, Folk
Category: Weltmusik Festivals - Folk Festivals
Admission: VVK 910 NKR
Location: Førdehuset
Postcode: 6800
City: Førde
Street: Angedalsvegen 5
Country: Norwegen
Website: Førdefestivalen


Annie Ebrel, Basco, Benedicte Maurseth & Knut Hamre, Bjørkås Kvintett, Catrin Finch & Seckou Keita, Danú, DJ Darius Darek, Driss El Maloumi Trio, Emilia Amper, Fiddlers' Bid, Gabriel Fliflet, Gergana Dimitrova, Giorgos Xylouris, Gro Marie Svidal, Håkon Thelin, Janusz Prusinowski Kompania & Janusz Olejniczak, Julie Fowlis, Kari Malmanger, Khaira Arby, Linda Gytri Trio, Mahua Shankar, Murad Ali Khan, Natacha Atlas, Ndima, Noreum Machi, Ole & Knut Aastad Bråten, Otava Yo, Paulo Flores, Peyo Peev, Piotr Pucylo, Susanne Lundeng, Rajery Trio, Sandum Trio, Sarah-Jane Summers & Juhani Silvola, Sver, Synnøve S. Bjørset & Elin Grytting, Team GløsTøs, Toto La Momposina, Ulla Pirttijärvi & Ulda, Ulrika Bodén med Ahlberg & Ek & Roswall, Unni Løvlid

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